RAM AIR SYSTEM for ALPINE A110 by Gruppe M **Cars Hatano Exclusive**

The performance of this Ram Air System makes 170% air intake compared to the original by installing the filter box type engine food. It makes both torque and power up thanks to better air-intake efficiency and stable temperature by taking air from the body side and grill in rear glass end. If you need more performance, cutting left area of an engine cover makes 200% air intake.
RAVAGE Japan by 畑野自動車 (Ravage Japan by Cars Hatano)

From Dynapack test
It create 15hp power up around 5,500rpm, and torque up at all area.
It makes even more performance when driving since more air pushed into the engine room.

↑↑When you listen to the sound of air intake in the car↑↑
Price 268,000JPY (Bank transfer only)
We can paint the top cover to the body cover(only when we can find color#) with additional cost. the top cover originally looks carbon pattern.
It takes approximately 3 months to produce new stock when it's out.
We can ship them to overseas. Please contact us if you're interested.
We installed this Ram Air System into our A110 Ravage JP01 for Attack Tsukuba driving.
Attack Tsukuba 2023 : RAVAGE JP01